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Our Story

We are Wen and Vira, best friend to each other met online few years ago. With Wen being an ISTJ and Vira being an ENFP, we have different personalities and interests. One thing we have in common, we love craft and giving gifts to others, in our own way and touch.

Wen is a Civil Engineer graduated from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). He is a science lover who talks based on fact and statistics rather than concept since young. When it comes to craft and gift, details and perfection are his main concerns, “The devil is in the details,” he said.

On the other side, Vira is a creative worker who passionate about things and ideas. She has been a designer, creative writer, social media specialist, and digital marketer. To her, giving gift is an act of love and each gift should be personalized. “Make every gift special or don’t give at all,” she said.

With that story, Celemor, a premium masterpiece of engineering and a work of art was born. In Celemor, we believe a thoughtful gift is personalized craft designed to blend beauty and perfection. Celebrate more with us today.